
Our Vision, Mission and Win!

Vision Statement: A Healing Place for a Hurting World through sports.


Mission Statement: Healing Place Athletics exist to….

1.     Integrate the Gospel in sports!

2.     Create community!

3.     Bring fun back to sports for kids!

4.     Redeem sports back to God!


What is the win?

1.     Kids memorize Gospel centered scriptures.

2.     Kids have fun and learn the value of hard work.

3.     Families make memories and relationships in a family friendly environment.


To create an environment for children to know and experience Jesus, along with growing in their knowledge and skill of any given sport.

  • Spiritual Development

    Teach players how we are to live a life pleasing God.

    Colossians 1:10 NLT – Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.

    ·       Practice and Game Devotions
    ·       Teach discipline
    ·       Coach and leader influence

  • Skill Development

    Teach players to work hard to be their best, because that is what God asks of us.

    Colossians 3:23 NIV – Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men

    ·       Practice time / fundamentals
    ·       In game teaching
    ·       Discipline

Who we are

You can EXPECT, FROM US, that we will be timely in our communication and do our very best to provide a positive and encouraging atmosphere for you.

Our primary role as staff and leaders of HP Athletics is to protect the atmosphere and environment of the leagues and to make sure we are fulfilling the mission of HP Athletics.

Sports Offered

We currently offer the following programs.

  • Youth

    Baseball, softball, t-ball, and soccer